It’s that time of year again!
Christmas carols have quieted, ornaments are tucked back into the attic, and the candy is (almost) all gone. The time to eat, drink, and be merry has come to a close and the season for diligent work has begun. Perhaps this contrast is why 92% of people who set New Year’s goals never actually achieve them.*
Evidence from the University of Scranton** shows us there may be more to the problem than meets the eye, and describes a few ways to help you become an actual goal achiever.
By now we hope you have set your business goals for ’23, but how do you know if you will become part of the 8% who will actually achieve them? Here at PERSPECTIVES, our executive coaches have prepared 3 simple steps to help you set and achieve your long term business goals.
Number One: Find Your “Why”
For this step, it is important to write out each of your goals along with why you want to accomplish them. This “why” needs to be strong enough to get you through a year’s worth of motivational slumps, so really think it through.
If you aren’t sure where to start, the following questions may help you determine your “why”:
- What is driving me toward this goal?
- What will happen if I / we don’t achieve this goal?
- What will happen if I / we do achieve it?
These simple questions help you identify how your long term business goals will benefit you and/or contribute to your organizational success as a whole. They also paint the picture of how detrimental it could be if you drop the ball.
Number Two: Share Your Goals
This step, also simple, is essential to achieving long term goals (especially when achievement requires the involvement of others). Now think of the people you trust to be an encouragement, as well as the people you need to help you accomplish each goal.
The encouragement of a mentor, coach, boss, or peer may be just what you need to stay motivated and get you through the stress that accompanies challenges. The right support and honest feedback can go a long way, so don’t be afraid to ask someone to come alongside you to help you crush your 2023 business goals!
As a leader, achieving your goals usually requires the involvement of many. So, although it may seem obvious, don’t forget to share them with those who will contribute to their success. AND make sure every team member understands his/her individual role within each.
Sharing long term business goals and establishing role clarity with team members doesn’t just serve to inform them of your expectations. It helps unify the team through a common understanding of your vision. It also gives everyone a sense of purpose, which is directly tied to that big picture.
Number Three: Break It Down
Now that you’ve determined your “why” and shared your goals with all the right people, it’s time to break your goals down into realistic bite-size chunks. Going for big goals can be overwhelming and demotivating. It can just seem like too much. However, chunking them down into smaller, short-term action items helps to keep your momentum going, as well as ensure you’re taking all the steps necessary to accomplish your goals.
Establishing interim plans and short-term goals (weekly, monthly, quarterly), with clarity around who is responsible for what, eliminates the overwhelm of a really big goal (which causes inertia) and greatly improves the likelihood of success. It also gives you all reason to celebrate your small wins along the way. (Success breeds success, after all!)
These questions may help with chunking down big goals:
● What can I do in the next 90-days towards my end goal? This month? This week? Today?
● What steps need to be assigned to others this quarter – month – week to move towards year-end goals?
As you set your interim action plans and goals, remember to be realistic in your expectations. Overstating what you will do sets everyone up for the same demoralizing overwhelm as starring at that year-end stretch goal. Setting attainable interim goals, however, serves as a motivator to keep progress moving forward, and ultimately getting you all the way to success!
We’re here to help…
The tips we’ve shared are exactly the same steps we take, as we reach for our long term business goals. We’re sure, if you commit to following these steps, you will see incredible progress towards your goals! However, if you can use some professional, objective, outside support to take you through a proven process, we’re happy to help.
Perspectives’ Strategic Planning and Meeting Facilitation defines direction and creates organization-wide alignment around priorities and goals. If you’re unsure whether this is the right step for you, book a discovery call and we’ll help you explore your options.
Contact us today for more information about setting and achieving your long term business goals.