Strategic Mid-Year Check-Up

It’s May 16 and that means its time for your strategic Planning and results mid-year check-UP!

Today as we swiftly approach mid-year, I’m sounding an alert for all organizational leaders: It’s time to take an objective look at your year-to-date results, compared to your 2022 strategic plan and goals. Now’s your chance to determine whether to stay the course or redirect – if you intend to hit your 2022 targets.

Some of you may get nervous at the thought of a mid-year check-up. After all, there’s a chance you’re NOT where you thought you’d be, as an individual or a team. Or, you may discover changing circumstances have created a need for amending priorities, plans, or goals. That takes effort. And, if you’re looking at organizational results, it also means scheduling additional meeting time for the team.

Some of you might be tempted to give-up on goals not well underway. It may feel like there’s not enough time to gain the momentum needed to achieve what you intended at the onset of the year. Heck, I even know a few executives who profess “if your aren’t achieving your goals at mid-year it’s impossible to reach them by year-end.”

As an organizational leader and executive coach who sets SMART (albeit aggressive) goals each year, I implore two things of you:

  1. DO NOT give in to a fear of failure.
  2. NEVER let other’s opinions on your chances of success stop you from trying.

It’s May 16. You know what that tells us? We have SIX FULL MONTHS left in 2022 to accomplish our goals. That is a full THIRTY-TWO WEEKS! That is TWO HUNDRED TWENTY-FOUR DAYS!

You absolutely have time to crush your goals. But (yes, I just used the no-no “but” word), there is one unavoidable catch: You must commit. What I really mean is, you must commit to your commitments and take the necessary steps to gain the traction you need to hit those targets.

I dig mid-year! Although it doesn’t hold quite the same thrill as the New Year, I enjoy scheduling the time and following through with my mid-year check-up. For me, it’s invigorating to take an objective look at where we are compared to the plan. It’s also FUN to acknowledge everything that HAS been accomplished so far this year and then re-energize commitments to what we will follow through with before December 31. (23rd, actually, at PERSPECTIVES.)

One of my favorite pieces of the mid-year check-up is remembering the “why’s” behind each goal we set. Even if there are a couple we haven’t gotten started with yet, it’s energizing to remember the purpose and intent of each. Talking about what we stand to gain as an organization, and individually, when those targets are hit is positively motivating! It feels like pushing the reset button on the original New Year enthusiasm.

So! As we’ve already acknowledged, it is May 16. The halfway point of 2022 is almost here. In the next two weeks, I encourage you to schedule some time to review, assess, and affirm your plans and goals for 2022. If following a process is helpful (and, by the way, it always is), I’m happy to share mine:

  1. Begin with objective PERSPECTIVE:
    1. Look at your ’22 individual and organizational plans and goals.
    2. Reconfirm the “why” behind each.
    3. Identify how each supports your mission.
  2. PREPARE for a strong finish:
    1. Adjust your plan, goals, and timeline, if your objective perspective warrants a change.
    2. Create your tactical plan for the next 90-days.
    3. Schedule periodic check-in meetings now to maintain open communication and forward-reaching momentum.
    1. Now your ready to follow-through, follow-up, and crush those goals!

See, a mid-year check-up doesn’t need to be painful or daunting. But (I said it again), it does need to happen – if you truly intend to meet (exceed?!?) your goals. Go on now! Get that check-up completed before June 1 and start the 2nd half of 2022 invigorated and committed to your commitments!

If you or your team would benefit from a mid-year check-up with professional strategic planning and leadership performance enhancement, contact us today. This is the PERFECT time to identify and eliminate your gaps between vision and goal-crushing execution.

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