Lifesaver float

Need Grace Under Pressure? It’s all About the Preparation.

Don’t you know someone who always seems to have it all together?  That person who can reason and stay calm when others are melting down?  The one who stays focused and productive during adversity – even leads others to a good result despite a major cog in the wheel?  Rest assured his/her grace under pressure…

Fear of public speaking

Stop Hiding Your Brilliance and Succeed at Public Speaking

Did you know, according to many researchers, public speaking ranks as the most terrifying thing a person can attempt to do? If you Google “top fears”, regardless of the researcher or institute, public speaking consistently makes it into the top five – usually #1 or 2. It outranks snakes, flying, confined spaces, heights, and even intimacy. Yikes!


How to recognize the opportunities hidden within conflict Conflict happens.  Did you ever hear the one about the elephant and the three blind men? Three blind men went to the circus and came upon an elephant. There were no elephants where they came from, and they were thrilled to encounter such a great beast. The…