The last couple of weeks of the year are such a crazy-busy time.  At work we scramble to get everything done with “skeleton” crews, and there is so much to do outside of work. Preparing for our holiday celebrations, braving the shopping crowds and, ugh, the traffic! As we all move through the last two weeks of 2016, I’m here as one more voice to remind you to take a deep breath (often), seek out reasons to smile, and enjoy the little moments.

Last Friday evening I took advantage of an opportunity to slow down and enjoy.  I didn’t want to go out, and realized I had all the ingredients for a big pot of chili, cornbread (from a box), and a nice salad. Once I put it all together, I realized it was way more than my husband and I could eat, so I invited a couple of friends and my parents over for a spur-of-the-moment “family dinner”.  After everyone said “we’ll be there soon!” I looked around and realized the floors needed to be swept, there was dust on the living room table, and there were brown boxes (unopened deliveries) cluttering the floor.

Hmmm. Big decision time for me:

Do I rush around and clean everything up, so to perpetuate the illusion that I can do it all? Or, do I light a holiday candle to make the house smell good, and make a cup of tea to take outside and enjoy the unseasonable warm weather until my parents and friends arrive?  It was a dilemma for a minute, but I chose the latter.

What a lovely, antithesis of crazy-busy, evening we enjoyed.  We all had a million other things we could be doing – maybe even “needed” to do.  Instead, we each chose to stop and relax with some comfort food, conversation, and a few good laughs!  It was a delightfully stress-free, spur-of-the-moment, evening.

You know what?  No one cared about the boxes or dust, and they never noticed the floors.  It was simply nice to be together for a little while.

In a few days the house will be full of family, with lots of big meals to create, messes to clean, and still some “work work” to be completed. It will be crazy-busy. But I can’t wait! I feel grateful for the moments to make new cherished memories. They don’t have to be perfect moments; they just have to be.

Last Friday reminded me, even though there is much to be done, I can still choose to create time for a deep breath every now and then; seek out reasons to smile; and find lots of “little moments” to enjoy.

I hope you find the time to do the same.

Contact us today for a complimentary consultation, and start your new year on the path to greater individual and organizational success!

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