Believe it or not, organization and productivity really do go hand-in-hand.  I already know what some of you are thinking:

There’s a methodology to my mess!”

If I move it off the top of my desk, I’ll forget about it.”

Or how about this one –

It takes too long to calendar and set reminders. Besides, I can’t structure my day, I have too many interruptions!”

I’ve heard ALL the “reasons” for chaotic work spaces and unstructured work days. What is consistent, however, is these rationalizations for disorganization and lack of structure come from busy professionals who are struggling to “get it all done”. Some are even in danger of failing because they are constantly in catch-up mode, rushing through important items, and even missing deadlines because things fall through the cracks.

This morning I came across the attached article written by Travis Bradbury, and published by Huffington post.  It includes 11 habits common for highly productive people, and it completely supports behaviors we encourage our clients to adopt! Changing an ineffective approach to staying on top of your priorities isn’t easy and, like everything else, it requires ongoing practice.

Today is a great day to take an objective look at your own organization and productivity norms.  If you think you have room for improvement, give some of the tips in this article a try!

Link to 11 things Organized and Productive People Do Every Day

My “start today” top three tips are:

  1. Plan your day the night before (preferably before you pack-up for the day)
  2. Don’t  stop what you’re doing to respond to emails as they come in.
  3. Make time for lunch.

Call or email us today for more information on getting organized and maximizing your daily productivity!

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