How are you feeling today? Let’s get more specific: How are you feeling right now? Becoming acutely aware of how you feel is the first step towards purposeful thinking.

What is meant by purposeful thinking? Why should you be interested? So glad you asked! Thinking purposefully means thinking for optimal experiences and results. 

You’ve probably heard Henry Ford’s famous quote “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, either way you are correct.” He was right, and the same concept applies to our emotional state.

Most people believe their emotions are a direct result of external stimulus, which makes them an emotional victim of their circumstances. What Henry Ford (and so many others) pointed out, however, is what we think about our circumstance determines how we feel. Then, how we feel leads us directly towards a correlating result. That correlating result brings more justifying thoughts, to support more of the same feeling. And so it spirals – up or down.

This is a natural law. Like attracts like. You get more of what you focus your attention on.

Purposeful thinkers are aware of the impact of their thoughts. They make intentional shifts away from mindsets that are not producing the feelings and results they would prefer. They maintain ownership of their emotions, rather than being emotional victims of their circumstances.

Here’s your one tip for becoming a more purposeful thinker: 

  1. Notice how you feel. Do you feel satisfied or dissatisfied? If you want more, stay on the same train of thought. If you’d prefer something different, it’s time to shift your attention to something that aligns your feelings with what you prefer.

We encourage you to begin practicing with purposeful thinking, as a means of optimizing your experiences and results. You can do it. In fact, you are the only one who can.

Contact Us today for more information or
to schedule purposeful thinking training.

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