Do you ever get negative and just wallow in it?  I’m talking about sitting in that space where it feels like everything and everyone pretty much sucks? Even you.

I’m too tired. That’s not fair. She’s an idiot. They don’t like me. It’s your fault. This is too hard. That’s all wrong. It’s too hot. He’s so lazy. This can’t work. I’m too fat. She’s so mean…Blah, blah, blah.”

You know what stinks about a negative attitude? Once your mindset hits negative auto-pilot, you find more to be unhappy, frustrated, and disappointed about.  You know why?  Like attracts like.  Your brain (so quickly!) realizes negative is what you want, and instantly provides ample reason to continue down your negative spiral.

You know what else stinks about a negative mindset?  It’s contagious.  Think about it…When someone enters the room with a strongly negative attitude (clearly angry, frustrated, unhappy), what happens to you?  You get uncomfortable, edgy, worried, defensive…The only thing different about your personal world is this person, with negative all over them, walked in the door.

Ever been snapped at and then turn around and snap at someone else? Ever spend time with an unhappy person and walk away feeling awful too? Like attracts like. What we focus on, we get more of.

Here’s the good news: Shifting your attitude, or mindset, from negative to positive is easy.  Also, a positive mindset is just as contagious as a negative one! Ever been validated by someone, and find yourself sitting a little taller, feeling more open, maybe even validating someone else?  Ever spend time with a positive person and leave feeling pretty great too? Like attracts like.

I have two simple tips to help shift your mindset from negative to positive:

  1. Recognize you’re in a negative mindset.  This takes some practice.  Start by noticing how you feel. How’s your breath, your level of physical tenseness, your stomach, your head? A positive mindset feels much more pleasant than a negative one.  Notice what each feels like to you.
  1. Ask a new question.  When you feel the unpleasantness of a negative mindset coming on, ask yourself a deliberate question, and then another. I’m talking about making a choice, versus mindlessly spiraling down the normal negative auto-pilot path.


  • “What’s happening with me right now?” Allows you to notice what you’re feeling and decide whether it is really warranted right now.
  • “What’s possible?” Enables you to engage creative thoughts rather than shut down.
  • “What is the best thing for me to do right now?” Provides a chance to act in alignment with whom you really want to be.

Asking a new question helps you deliberately consider an alternative thought process; gives you just enough internal space to shift your mindset from negative to positive; and can prevent you from catching someone else’s negative attitude.

Why shift from negative to positive?  Doing so has many wonderful benefits! Your body relaxes, creativity flows, productivity increases, and relationships improve. You know why, right? Like attracts like.  Your brain (so quickly!) realizes positive is what you want, and it provides you with ample reason to feel positive.

Call us today for more information on how you, and your organization, can begin to enjoy the benefits of a positive mindset!

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