With the launch of the Perspectives LLC company website comes a new blog, The Collaborative Conversation. The name of the blog stems from my passion for helping leaders acquire the skills that inspire and motivate their teams to perform at their best. Among these skills, one of the most significant is collaboration.

Perspectives LLC clients experience transformation in the form of applying gained skills. In this blog, I’m sharing real solutions to issues you face in the workplace that you can easily implement today.

What I know to be true is that leadership teams cannot and will not be successful absent collaborative skills. When staff members don’t feel like they can be collaborative with their leaders, and when they don’t see cooperation and collaboration between their leaders, trust is lost.

When organizations are built on trust and transparency, driven by leadership, open communication and collaboration become the norm. When that happens, here’s what you can expect:

*Employees are motivated and engaged, supported by a shared vision, mission and understanding of their roles within the organization

*Employees are highly-productive, perform consistently, understand accountability, and hold themselves personally accountable for the environment and productivity

*Employees work confidently, with emotional safety and courage, and contribute creatively to develop solutions and positively evolve the organization

Sounds good, right?

These are the topics I’ll be tackling on this blog, so stay with me and enjoy articles on managing conflict; how to have difficult conversations; developing interests versus positions; working with diverse personality types; cultivating world-class work environments; achieving organizational goals and change management.

If you have a particular topic you would like to see covered, or a question you’d like to have answered, please share it in the comments below or email me.

Looking forward to our collaborative conversation!

Karen Pelot

Photo credit: Imagine Communications

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